Steve Giasson
L’homme d’acier
Commemorative plaque in steel and aluminum, rose
14.4 x 11.5 cm
This plaque, which dates from before the fall of the “iron curtain,” shows the profile of Stalin. It was taken down from a public building in Bulgaria and then sold on the auction site Ebay for US$28.99. Here, it is fixed to the wall with a real red rose, in reference to painting Roses for Stalin (1949) by Boris Vladimirsky Eremeevich.
Exhibition: Monuments aux victimes de la Liberté. AxeNéo7, Gatineau. September 24 - October 19 2015. Curators: Mélanie Boucher, Nathalie Casemajor, André-Louis Paré and Bernard Schütze Entrepreneurs du commun et Transit, collectif de commissaires et de critiques indépendants.