Steve Giasson



Steve Giasson. snowwhitelenin. Video, color and sound, 3: 40. 2010

Exhibition « Ex-hi-Bi 2010 », Bain Mathieu, Montreal, « Monobandes III » 2013, Galerie Les Territoires, "Monuments aux victimes de la liberté, AXENÉO7, Gatineau, 2015.


In snowwhitelenin, a report on the Father of the Russian Revolution of 1917, Vladimir Lenin, and Walt Disney's Snow White come into dialogue, superposed. A curious form of shot-reverse shot seems to be born then, between these two icons lying in their glass coffins.

Exhibition: Monuments aux victimes de la Liberté. AxeNéo7, Gatineau. September 24 - October 19 2015. Curators: Mélanie Boucher, Nathalie Casemajor, André-Louis Paré and Bernard Schütze Entrepreneurs du commun et Transit, collectif de commissaires et de critiques indépendants. 
