Steve Giasson


untitled (an intimate mix)

Steve Giasson

untitled (an intimate mix)


13.33 x 21.62 cm

two-sided laser printing on Enviro100 50 lbs paper

unlimited edition

a recipe for gunpowder, from the book of Antoine Baumé, Chymie expérimentale et raisonnée, Vol. 1, Paris, 1773, p. 453-454, (scanned and put online by Google), reprinted with double-sided laser on very fine paper

Exhibition : Festival Non-Aligné(e)s, AN 1 : "La Reprise", Générale Nord-Est, Paris, a proposal directed by Jean-Charles Agboton-Jumeau, art critic and Laurent Marissal, painter, 20-22 October 2018

Photo credit: Daniel Roy

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